Read: Class 39 : Redux - Additional Topics
Review, Research, and Discussion
What’s the best practice for “pre-loading” data into the store (on application start) in a Redux application?
The most ‘redux-like’ way of handling the pre-loading of data would be to fire off the asynchronous action in the lifecycle method (probably componentWillMount ) of a Higher Order Component that wraps your app. However, you will not use the results of the API call directly in that component - it needs to be handled with a reducer that puts it into your app store. This will require you to use some sort of a thunk middleware to handle the asynchronous action. Then you will use mapStateToProps to simply pass it down to the component that renders the data.
When using a thunk/async action that dispatches the actual action, which do you export from your reducer?
When the asynchronous task ends, a callback should manage the outcome of the asynchronous task and appropriately update the state with a positive or negative response, support asynchronous actions by modifying their reducers, i.e. making sure that the reducer intercepting that action starts the asynchronous task and manages its outcome
Document the following Vocabulary Terms
middleware Redux middleware is a snippet of code that provides a third-party extension point between dispatching an action and the moment it reaches the reducers.
thunk The thunk middleware allows us to write functions that get dispatch and getState as arguments. The thunk functions can have any async logic we want inside, and that logic can dispatch actions and read the store state as needed.
Preparation Materials
Redux Toolkit
set of tools that handle the most common use cases and reduce the need to make extra decisions. that makes it easier to write good Redux applications and speeds up development, by baking in our recommended best practices, providing good default behaviors, catching mistakes, and allowing you to write simpler code.
Redux Toolkit was originally created to help address three common concerns about Redux:
“Configuring a Redux store is too complicated” “I have to add a lot of packages to get Redux to do anything useful” “Redux requires too much boilerplate code”
MobX is unopinionated and allows you to manage your application state outside of any UI framework. This makes your code decoupled, portable, and above all, easily testable.
a simple, scalable and battle tested state management solution. This tutorial will teach you all the important concepts of MobX in ten minutes. MobX is a standalone library, but most people are using it with React and this tutorial focuses on that combination.
MobX makes state management simple again by addressing the root issue: it makes it impossible to produce an inconsistent state. The strategy to achieve that is simple: Make sure that everything that can be derived from the application state, will be derived. Automatically.